
In every aspect, from providing hearing care and delivering hearing aids to diagnostic equipment and services to hearing care professionals and users all over the world, the Demant Group is active and engaged.

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    Interim Management Statement Q3

    On Monday 4 November, Demant published its Interim Management Statement for the third quarter of 2024, where the Group delivered organic revenue growth of 2%, thanks to very strong performance in our business area Hearing Care. You will find a link to the recorded webcast and the presentation here.
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    New President of Diagnostics

    As of 1 November 2024, Anne-Karen Hunt will join Demant and take up the position as President of Demant's Diagnostics business area and become a member of Demant Management. Read more here.

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    Demant acquires the Danish chain of hearing care clinics Dansk HøreCenter

    With the acquisition of Dansk HøreCenter, Demant significantly expands its footprint on the Danish hearing care market, enabling Demant’s Danish hearing care entity Audika to help even more people hear better.

    Read more here

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    Restructuring plan for EPOS

    Based on the conclusion of a strategic review, Demant initiates a restructuring plan for EPOS to obtain profitability. The plan entails an intention to rightsize the organisation and create a more focused business. Demant's commitment to divest the business is unchanged. See the full announcement here.

Tune in to life portrays life inside Demant and how our products and services enable users to tune in to the things that matter. In a cinematic journey into our world of hearing health,  we invite viewers into our sound studios, our labs, our hearing care clinics and into the heart of our production and distribution – and we see how teamwork across borders and departments forms an indispensable foundation for our daily work.

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Total number of employees: more than 21,000
Revenue in 2023: DKK 22,443 million
Operating profit in 2023: DKK 4,148 million
Presence: over 130 countries
Gender diversity all managers: 47% women and 53% men
CO2 emission reductions by 2030: approximately 46%
William Demant Foundation’s donations in 2023: DKK 135 million

  • Revenue
  • 14%
  • 2023: DKK 22,443 million
  • 2022: DKK 19,705 million
  • Operating profit (EBIT)
  • 29%
  • 2023: DKK 4,148 million
  • 2022: DKK 3,207 million