Jorge Bravo Diaz

Education: MSc in Signal Processing and Acoustics (Acoustics and Audio Technology), Aalborg University

Start in Demant: 2020

Hi, my name is Jorge, and I am one of the engineering graduates in the 2020 batch at Demant. I am originally from Madrid, Spain, where I obtained my BSc in Audio-visual Systems Engineering, but after having spent one exchange year in Denmark (Aalborg), I decided to move here in 2018 in order to finish my MSc in Signal Processing and Acoustics (AAU) and build a career.

I feel really lucky to be part of Demant’s graduate programme since it has given me the opportunity to work with brilliant people in a context in which I have a lot of room for learning, exploring and developing myself, while also having quite a level of responsibility. I started my first rotation with a little bit of a head-start in the department of Technology Development in EPOS (R&D). Here I can contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies in the fields of enterprise/personal communication and gaming. Moreover, I have been also given the chance to support other teams and projects both in EPOS and Oticon, allowing me to peek and learn from the different business areas. In addition, everyone has been very welcoming, and the overall work environment is great.

I am a huge nerd for music (and audio in general, which comes in handy for my job), so when I’m not in the office or labs I like to spend my time trying to discover new bands/albums, either going to concerts or record-hunting.