
Graduate Programme


The Graduate Programme at Demant offers you a unique opportunity to develop your personal and professional skills in a great working environment. You will join us in improving the lives of millions of people worldwide through hearing health.

For the Graduate Programme starting on September 2025 we offer eight different tracks:

Each track will take you through three or four rotations in a two-year journey. During your rotations, you will get hands-on experience with different challenging projects that allow you to learn and build on your knowledge and skills. This will give you a broad understanding of our business and help you build a strong network of people across functions.

You will plan your rotations together with your host manager to enhance your professional and personal development as much as possible. We are a global company, so all tracks are designed with an international perspective. Many of our graduates also have the opportunity to go abroad for one rotation.

We give you a lot of responsibility and a high exposure from day one, and after successfully completing the Programme, we offer you a permanent position with Demant - either in Denmark or abroad.

As a graduate, you will have an introduction week in the beginning, training bootcamps, visits to our business sites, as well as management meetings. Also, we offer you a beneficial health insurance, a wide range of sporting and leisure clubs including offer for massages, a healthy and delicious canteen, and lot of fun activities and events with the other graduates.


Send your application
Go to the job ad of the specific track you want to apply for and upload your CV, a short text on why you think you are the right person to be chosen for this role, and what your contribution to the business will be and your master diploma, if you already have it at hand. Please also attach an up-to-date overview over courses and grades.

Reviewing your application
Once the application deadline has passed, our talent acquisition consultants and hiring managers will screen all applicants. Regardless of the outcome of your application, you will always receive an update from us.
Video interviews
The candidates chosen to move on in the process will be invited for video interviews. Our Graduate Programme Manager will ask you to answer two questions on video and send it back to us.

Assessment center
Based on the video interviews, we then choose candidates to join us at our assessment center at our global headquarters just outside Copenhagen in Denmark in January, where we will have a day full of challenges and teamwork. If you live abroad, we will cover your transportation and accommodation.
The final candidates will be invited for an in-depth interview. Before the interview, you will be asked to complete a logical and personality assessment online. You will receive feedback on these ones, when you come in for your interview. The final candidates will be offered a permanent contract to join Demant.

Listen to the stories of two of our graduates, and why the joined the programme

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Find out how it is to work at Demant and what it is like to be a graduate here


Meet our graduates and read news, stories and general advice from them.



We have many other interesting job opportunities. Check them out here.