Evaluation of the Board
Once a year, the Chairman of the Board of Directors performs an evaluation of the Board’s work. The evaluation is performed either through personal, individual interviews with the Board members or by means of a questionnaire to be filled out by the individual Board members. In both instances, the findings of the evaluation are presented and discussed at the subsequent Board meeting. At least every third year, the evaluation is performed with external assistance. The evaluation was performed through individual interviews with the Chair in 2024, as the evaluation the year before was performed by means of a questionnaire.
Overall, the evaluation confirmed that the Board is satisfied with its governance structures and also confirmed that the interaction between the Board members is well-functioning. The Board of Directors focuses on and allocates time to discuss the long-term strategic development of the company to continuously ensure that the potential of the company is exploited to the fullest. The collaboration between the Board of Directors and the Executive Board works well, and there is an open and trustful working atmosphere. The work performed by the Board takes its starting point in the annual wheel, which is continuously refined and updated and ensures the Board’s commitment and immersion into relevant areas.