On 8 June 1904, the Demant family sold their first hearing aid from their mechanics spare parts store in a small Danish town. We can only guess whether the family celebrated this first order, but had they known what they started, they would have had ample reasons for excitement.
This year, we certainly celebrated the 120th anniversary of our cherished company, which has now evolved into a world-leading hearing healthcare company that offers solutions, benefitting millions of people either living with hearing loss or working on alleviating hearing loss. The innovative development of hearing aids, diagnostic equipment and hearing treatment for the past 120 years has taken place on the back of our commitment to always exceed expectations and deliver on our core purpose: To help people overcome hearing loss and improve their quality of life through innovative solutions and personalised hearing care.
Improved lives
Our purpose is to change the lives of people who would otherwise be significantly limited in their social and interpersonal interactions. In 2024, we improved the lives of 11 million people; they all benefitted from using hearing aids from Demant. This life-changing aspect and our ambition to help as many people as possible mean that we are committed to providing quality solutions, raising awareness about hearing loss and ensuring access to treatment. One way to do this is to test hearing loss, and in 2024, 1.5 million people were tested in one of our clinics worldwide. Thanks to the activities in our business areas, Hearing Aids, Hearing Care and Diagnostics, Demant has a positive impact on people’s health and well-being every day.
Before I celebrate the achievements of our business areas in 2024, let me start by saying that everything has not been all rosy in our anniver-sary year. Halfway through the year, we had to revise our financial outlook and implement cost-saving initiatives to safeguard profitability and deliver on our commitment to drive attractive financial returns for investors.
That being said, I want to emphasise that Demant is in a very strong position. This can be attributed to our ability to deliver growth and earnings across geographies and channels based on innovation, development of core technology and strong global distribution. In 2024, the Group delivered results – in line with our updated expectations – of 2% organic revenue growth and an operating profit before special items of DKK 4.4 billion. Especially our Hearing Care business area drove solid growth and generated 7% organic growth in second half year.
A more focused company
The Group’s solid performance in a highly competitive environment is the result of our important strategic decision to become a more focused hearing healthcare company. This was communicated in 2024, where we also harvested the first fruits of this strategy by finalising the divestment of our cochlear implants business and by creating a turnaround in our headset business EPOS from loss-making to profitable.
Another upside of our focused hearing healthcare strategy is our ability to further concentrate our efforts on the core business. For our Hearing Aids business area, performance in 2024 did not live up to our original expectations. On the back of a very strong 2023, we were not able to sustain momentum in 2024, which impacted our growth in a generally intense competitive market.