
at a glance

With our purpose to create life-changing hearing health and our ambition as the leading hearing healthcare company to improve as many lives as possible, sustainability is integrated in our business strategy.

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Our roots are in hearing health, and our purpose is to create life-changing differences through hearing health, whereby we contribute to building a more sustainable world where people have the opportunity to enjoy life. Caring for people’s health and well-being goes hand in hand with caring for our employees, society and the planet.

Our sustainability strategy was refined in 2024. Informed by our corporate strategy, our environmental, social and governance ambitions, targets and priorities were developed on the basis of a double materiality assessment and the Sustainable Development Goals.

All ambitions are described in the sections linked below and in our Sustainability Policy which guides the organisation towards driving responsible and sustainable business practices.

You can find the latest full review of our performance in our Annual Report 2024.

  • sus-our-core-impact

    Our core impact

    2030 targets

    More than 16 million lives improved 
    Increase awareness by hearing-testing more than 2 million people

  • sus-environment

    Respect for the planet 

    2030 targets
    100% renewable electricity

    46% reduction in GHG emissions for scope 1, 2 and 3

    2050 target
    Net-zero emissions 

  • sus-social

    Caring for people

    2030 targets
    Increase gender balance in top-level management to 35/65 (women/men) 

    Reach top-third level in employees’ experience of inclusion

    Reach top-third level in employee engagement

  • sus__governance

    Performing with integrity

    2030 target
    Increase excellence in business conduct through code of conduct training to reach 100% of highly exposed employees 

With a charitable organisation as our majority owner, the William Demant Foundation, acting as a sustainable and responsible company is embedded in our roots. Over the years, we have taken important steps in our path to working with sustainability strategically.




We are a committed signatory of the United Nations Global Compact.

We pledge to sustainable and responsible business practices by adopting, reporting on and advocating for the Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.


Our climate targets are approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTI)